Our Solution: A software EKG generator

Software EKG generation is the best tool for students, educators, and institutions to teach ECG's and conduct realistic medical simulation.

Software generated monitor capture (.gif) of atrial fibrillation.
Software generated monitor capture (.gif) of atrial fibrillation.

Dialed Medics software EKG generator is the best way to learn, practice, teach, and test electrocardiogram rhythm interpretation. While nothing can completely replicate the variety of patient EKGs in a clinical setting, we use procedural generation to realistically create novel rhythm tracings on demand.

Normal Variation in EKGs

The three following images are all software generated atrial fibrillation tracings:

EKG tracing printout of Atrial Fibrillation.
Software generated Atrial Fibrillation.
EKG monitor capture of aFib.
Also software generated atrial Fibrillation.
ECG tracing of Atrial Fibrillation (aFib.)
Another software generated atrial fibrillation.

Key features, such as irregular R-R intervals and disorganized fibrillation waves, make them recognizable atrial fibrillation. Other portions of the waveform are varied between tracings with unique morphology. This better simulates the clinical experience where no two patients have identical tracings, even if they are in the same cardiac rhythm.

Longer Practice Tracings

In other cases dysrhythmia have patterns which play out over a longer time making them difficult to display in traditional media. The EKG graph displays time on the X axis (left / right) at 25mm per second as a standard. It takes 5 feet of paper (1500mm) to record 1 minute of EKG data. As an example:

19sec electrocardiogram tracing of an apparent Second Degree Type Two 5:1 Heart Block
An apparent 5:1 Second Degree Type Two Atrioventricular Block EKG tracing.

This is a second degree type two atrioventricular heart block. In the ~19 seconds presented, a clear pattern of 5:1 conduction with a single failed conduction for every five successful can be seen. However, if this rhythm was allowed to play out over time we find something different:

Gif animation of a cardiac monitor showing an intermittent Second Degree Type Two Heart Block.
A short monitor capture of 2* type II A/V block with intermittent conduction.

Monitoring the rhythm for just a few more seconds reveals that the atrioventricular block is actually intermittent, with many more dropped QRS complexes than the initial tracing would indicate.

Our EKG simulation software generates 60 seconds of EKG data every time a tracing is created. This gives students a more realistic experience of monitoring a patient's cardiac rhythm over time, where important features may not be visible on the monitor at all times. That dynamic is especially important in medical simulation, when a student's attention is expected to be divided between important patient care tasks.

Artifact & Baseline

Artifact and "baseline wander" are normal parts of ECG capture in the clinical setting. They can prove to be significant confounding factors to interpretation, especially in the emergency and transport environments. Our EKG software accurately simulates these, but can also produce "clean" tracings for example or introductory use. (examples below)

Example ECG without baseline artifact.
"Clean" sinus bradycardia EKG tracing without artifact and with a flat baseline.
Sinus Bradycardia monitor capture with moderate artifact on the baseline.
Sinus bradycardia EKG monitor capture with moderate artifact.
Example of a wandering baseline on an EKG tracing of Sinus Bradycardia.
Sinus bradycardia ECG tracing with lowered baseline and mild artifact.

"Clean" tracings provide ideal rhythms without any confounding factors, perfect for teaching beginners or demonstrating a concept clearly. Tracings with artifact and baseline changes are more difficult and more realistic, perfect for testing and medical simulation.


Ectopy is also a normal feature of clinical electrocardiograms which is difficult to simulate in training. We seamlessly integrate ectopy into tracings with monomorphic (free) and polymorphic (pro) examples.

Unifocal ectopy (monomorphic PVC's) example EKG monitor capture.
An example of monomorphic ectopy (unifocal PVC's) in a tracing of atrial fibrillation.
An example of polymorphic ectopy (multifocal PVC's) in a Junctional Rhythm.
An example of polymorphic ectopy (multifocal PVC's) in a tracing of a Junctional Rhythm.

Dynamic Display

The above examples also illustrate the display modes of Dialed Medics EKG generator. Our free option has a single display mode modeled after a cardiac monitor display. Students are able to start and stop the tracing playback. Our pro version has the option to switch back and forth between the monitor display and a tracing display. The tracing display outputs an EKG tracing onto EKG graph paper for detailed examination.

EKG graph display vs. EKG monitor display.
EKG graph and monitor display.

Dynamic Interface Modes

To help with study, teaching, and simulation the web application provides four interface modes: Study, Flashcard, Quiz (pro), and Simulation (pro).

Study (free)

Study mode allows the user to select any rhythm and its characteristics such as: rate, regularity, and ectopy. The rhythm is displayed with its name, some additional information, and a link to further material.

Flashcard (free)

Fashcard mode displays a random EKG tracing while hiding the name until the user clicks or taps.

Quiz (pro)

Quiz mode provides a basic multiple choice quiz interface and score keeping.

Simulation (pro)

Like study mode, simulation mode allows the user to select a rhythm to display, but also allows the name of the rhythm to be hidden. An instructor can then show a student the selected EKG without any spoilers on the screen.

Education & Simulation Anywhere

Our web app is cross platform; written in JavaScript and using html5's <canvas> element for display. This makes it easy to display EKGs on large format monitors or projectors during lectures or on a smartphone / tablet during simulations.

You can access DialedMedics.com EKG generator right now. Student access is $5 for one month or $40 for one year of our professional EKG generator. No obligation, no fees, cancel any time. We also offer a free, limited version you can access with just an Email. If you're ready to get started follow one of the links below!

Purchase Pro EKG Generator!

- Over 40 rhythms.
- Monitor and Tracing display modes.
- Quiz, Flashcard, Study, and Simulation modes.
- Monomorphic and polymorphic ectopy.

Try Free EKG Generator!

- Nine of the most common rhythms (major ACLS rhythms included.)
- Study and Flashcard modes.
- Monomorphic ectopy.

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