
No Passwords?
To keep things simple, signup and login are handled through your email. When you login or register a login link will be emailed to you. Any device you use that link on will be logged into a session on your account. This way, you don't have to remember more login credentials and there's no risk of them being exposed.
You do not have to use the login link on the same device it is emailed to. The login link can be copied or messaged to any device you would like to log into a session with.
What are you going to do with my Email?
Nothing at all. You'll see on your user profile "Email Newsletter" with a subscription toggle, but we don't use this. If / when we do, it will be opt-in. The only email you'll get from dialedmedics.com are account related. Otherwise, we will only email you if you email us first. (Feel free to by the way: contact@dialedmedics.com)
If you don't email us, how can we follow you?
We stay updated on social media through:
- Twitter: @dialedmedics
- Instagram: @dialedmedics
- TikTok: @dialedmedics
- Youtube: Dialed Medics
We will always respond to email, feel free to reach out: contact@dialedmedics.com.
How can I update / change / cancel my account?
When you are logged in there will be a green Account button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
(On mobile or small format screens this button is on the bottom right of the screen when the navigation menu is open. Open the navigation menu by clicking the "hamburger" icon in the upper right of the screen.)
Clicking the Account button will bring up a pop-up with options to update any information in your account, or cancel it. If you run into problems with account management please email: support@dialedmedics.com.
Your account status, information, and Cancel / Resume Subscription Button are also displayed at the bottom of the Pro App start page.
What happens if I cancel my account?
You can cancel or restart your access at any time without any fees or back and forth (see instructions above.)
When you cancel your account it will remain active with access to the Pro EKG Generator for the remainder of any paid time. If you cancel 15 days after paying for a $5/month account, your access will continue for the remaining 15 days.
Only access to the Paid EKG Generator is removed, your account will remain with access to our Free EKG Generator indefinitely.
Our goal is for students to have easy access for a few dollars whenever they need an EKG study or medical simulation tool during their years of medical education. You can easily start and stop your account with one click, any time, with no extra fees.
Can I post EKG tracings to social media, use them in my school project / paper, or show them in class?
Sure! Our web app is offered under a personal license and can be used for any non-commercial use. This includes screen recordings and saved images non-exclusively and with attribution. See our Terms & Conditions for full information and email us with any questions: license@dialedmedics.com.
No iPhone / Android / etc. app?
There's three main reasons for a web application over native application for DialedMedics.com:
- Bringing the application directly to users avoids app store fees and allows us to charge the lowest price possible.
- Our software is developed as a rolling release and is regularly updated. Controlling the publication directly allows for rapidly implementing new features and for those features to be accessible to users immediately after testing.
- Students and educational institutions don't have to be vested in a certain ecosystem to access the EKG generator.

System Requirements
DialedMedics.com EKG app doesn't have any minimum system requirements. If your device can run a modern web browser that supports HTML5 and javascript, you can use it to simulate a cardiac monitor.
Working in all major browsers in Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone / iPad.
Whatever hardware you already own or your company / educational institution has already invested in, it will likely run our EKG simulator.
The EKG is too small / scrolls slowly on a high pixel per inch desktop or laptop monitor.
- Zooming in with the browser (CTL +) or (CTL scroll up) or (view menu > zoom > zoom in) until the tracing reaches normal proportions will fix the issue.
- This does not impact high pixel concentration screens on mobile operating systems (Android / iPhone).
The EKG display is calibrated to display tracings in "real size". Meaning if you hold a real EKG printout up next to the monitor the scale will be the same. Some high pixel concentration screens can make the display smaller than it should be. The X axis of the EKG represents time at a rate of 1 second per 25mm so high pixel screens can distort the scrolling effect as well.
The HML5 <canvas> element will zoom with the browser to compensate for this without distorting the waveform. You can also zoom further in to see tracings at a larger scale.
If the problem doesn't resolve by zooming in please contact us at: support@dialedmedics.com.
What about rhythm X or function Y?
Our EKG app is in its initial release. The focus has been on delivering basic dynamic cardiology function and the most clinically commonly seen, taught, and tested, rhythms.
We use a rolling release model for our software, so updates and additional rhythms are being added all the time. In the mid-term a version 2.0 covering rhythm and 12-Lead interpretation is being developed.
If there is a feature or rhythm you are eager to see, reach out to us on social media or email (contact@dialedmedics.com) and let us know!
What if something goes wrong?
If you run into a problem please contact us right away. If the issue is with the way a tracing is displaying, please try to save the tracing and send it to us with your contact. To save a tracing simply right click it and select "save image as". We have no way of recreating the specific tracing that was displayed to you so this will help diagnose the problem. Send any concerns to: support@dialedmedics.com.

While we maintain a paid version of our EKG web application, the rest of our educational resources and our free version are #FOAMed. If you are a student struggling with EKG interpretation and can't afford access, please email us at contact@dialedmedics.com.